Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Calamity_Ashe" on: (Tue, 28 Nov 2017 04:03:32 GMT), F0000084
So I've noticed recently that people in the discord have been unhappy with the lack of events or dissatisfied with the events we've had so i thought I would host some of my events that I've had ideas for.
The First Event
The first event is The Quest For Erebor. The event will be split up into two teams of the player's choosing. You can either be on the side of Thorin and company trying to reclaim the lost dwarven kingdom of Erebor (for the sake of lore accuracy only the first 15 people that wish to be a part of Thorin and company will be allowed to join since there was only 15 in the company in lore). Or you can be on the side of the orcs trying to stop Thorin and company from reclaiming Erebor (anybody that wishes to join the event after the side of Thorin and company has filled up will be put on the side of the side of the orcs). If one side or the other has more people then people will be moved teams to make things more balanced
In this event Thorin and company must start at Bag End then travel to the Trollshaws where Bilbo had an encounter with some trolls then over to Rivendell to get somebody to read this map of yours that you don't know how to properly read then you will get caught by orcs on the front porch and taken down to Goblin Town then it's off to Beorn's hall to spend the night then you might find you're suddenly surrounded by elves while travelling through the Woodland Realm who take you up to Thranduil's halls for questioning then off you go down the river to Esgaroth upon the Long Lake then finally you will head up to Erebor for the final battle for Erebor.
Now you might be wondering what the orcs will doing throughout all of this. Well all throughout this adventure the orcs will be trying to kill the members of Thorin and company to stop them from reclaiming Erebor.
The rules
1. Thorin and company must travel from Bag End in the shire all the way to the dwarven kingdom of Erebor stopping at all the places Thorin and company stopped at (you don't actually have to stop there just have to go to the location and all places that don't have a waypoint in the mod will be on your map).
2. The members of Thorin and company will only have one life per member while the orcs will have as many lives as it takes for Thorin and company to get to Erebor for the final battle at which point all players in the event will only have one life regardless of how many lives they had before.
3. both sides will be in a fellowship with pvp disabled so you don't have to worry about team killing and map location shown so you can tell if anybody gets left behind or the like
4. one living member of Thorin and company must have map location visible to everybody at all times so the orcs aren't just sitting at Bilbo's Trolls waiting for the dwarves that have already made it to Goblin Town.
5. Members of Thorin and company are only allowed to fast travel every 5 minutes starting the moment the event starts but are allowed to skip to the far end of The Shire and Eriador
6. The event ends when either all the members of Thorin and company have died or they make it Erebor and successfully fend off the orcs trying to kill them.
7. you will be supplied with food, armor and a weapon and are to show up with a completely empty inventory.
I currently intend for the event to be Saturday December 9th 2017 at 12:00 pm central standard time (which is 10:00 am PST, 1:00 pm EST, 19:00 CST, and 5:00 am Sunday in Australia) but the time and date might change depending on my schedule, if staff have an event planned for that day and whether or not any Australians interested want to get up at 5:00 on a Sunday.
If you are interested in participating please reply down below with your ign what side you would like to be on and what type of weapon you would like. Any messages elsewhere saying you wish to join will be ignored and you will not be added to the event. Also an important note since I am making the kits with my own stuff a kit is not gaurenteed if you don't sign up a head of time and if nobody has signed up by the day before I'm not going to do the event.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "bitok_omalley" on: (Thu, 30 Nov 2017 02:05:26 GMT)
I'll take a Dol Guldur Spike if you have one (any other polearm will be fine otherwise)
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "abriel" on: (Wed, 29 Nov 2017 15:47:03 GMT)
I might be able to join the event My ign is Skelebro21 i would like to be on orcs team and i want a gunda uruk bludgeon
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Calamity_Ashe" on: (Wed, 29 Nov 2017 02:57:03 GMT)
also in case it's not obvious dwarves get dwarven gear and orcs get mordor angmar or dol guldur gear and weapon choice means would you like a sword, dagger, battleaxe, warhammer ect.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Calamity_Ashe" on: (Wed, 29 Nov 2017 02:12:07 GMT)
also just an fyi I am inviting people to the fellowships ahead of time with map locations turned off and pvp turned on so there is less to do at event time but map locations will be turned on and pvp will be turned off at event time.
And also i will be travelling with the dwarves to make sure they go everywhere they are supposed to go but will not count towards the 15 player limit since I am in both fellowships and can't be killed by either side
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "bitok_omalley" on: (Wed, 29 Nov 2017 01:52:47 GMT)
This sounds fun. Just letting you know I might be unavailable. I'll sign up for orcs. ign bitok_omalley, favored weapon: bow and arrows (or polearm if bow isn't acceptable).
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Ultimateleif9" on: (Tue, 28 Nov 2017 23:25:57 GMT)
Hello My IGN is Leifantasymage, you might also know me as Dain_Ironfoot or Gerin. I would like to join the side of the Dwarves, I would like a warhammer. This idea for the event sounds really cool!
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Phoenix" on: (Tue, 28 Nov 2017 22:44:42 GMT)
Oh, my apologies, I did not see that clause.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Calamity_Ashe" on: (Tue, 28 Nov 2017 22:41:33 GMT)
i was just picking a time that worked off of the information i knew. i assumed there would be an event at that time which is why i said "but the time and date might change depending on if staff have an event planned for that day"
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Phoenix" on: (Tue, 28 Nov 2017 20:33:32 GMT)
gsf, please be aware that the ToR staff are hosting events every weekend for the next few weeks... Meaning there is a high chance an official event will be scheduled within the same timeframe as yours.