Hey Peeps,
As you have read by now, we have located the Silmarils. These Stones of immense beauty are treasures unrivalled. Naturally we will send out only the best to gather them. Luckily we expect the best to be amongst you guys.
The tournament will consist of 3 seperate activities. It will test your combat might, your skill as a rider, and your jousting prowess. Make sure you are properly warmed up before we start, we will not be allowing reruns if you get a cramp in your leg.
The Event Series itself will mainly consist of 5 Big Events. The tournament being the first. After that there will be 3 Events to collect the Silmarils, and 1 Final GRAND Event to finish.
Here some on-sight pictures and notes from the researchers when they figuered out where the jewels are:

"It must be somewhere in this circle!"

"This one is in save hands already!"

"Standing next to that guy was no reward I tell you"
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