Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "The_Eichen" on: (Sat, 29 Oct 2016 14:37:31 GMT), F0000945
All players of the Blue Mountains (exept Dwill)
kept /backing in pvp death and eventually killed me and ArcticBear
DutchFLaSheZ joined the game.
: PimPvP has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: <~SpookyDwill> nice
: <~SpookyDwill> get Spot the Difference!
: <~Yazneg> mellon liquer
: <~SpookyDwill> no
: ~Radagast] u have food?
: <~SpookyDwill> its opening a dwarven door
: <~Yazneg> i know that it was just a joke
: <~SpookyDwill> didnt sound like one
: Nóri son of Kibil, the Blue Mountains Merchant has left the area
: ArcticBear29 has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: <~Yazneg> who cares
: ExodusRevenge101 joined the game.
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> wb
: <~Yazneg> wb
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> He seems to have left
: <~Radagast> ja
: <skycraftingnl> pim
: ~Radagast -> me] tell me if u find it
: ~Radagast] i need food
: Need help learning about the mod?
: Check out the .
: ~Radagast -> me] sorry the venison was all i had
: piggynator drowned
: DutchFraGZ left the game.
: <piggynator> thats why you dont afk on a boat lmao
: <Strelka_> Lol
: <~Yazneg> lol
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> gg
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Yes
: DutchFraGZ joined the game.
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> The pipeweed has grown
: <skycraftingnl> PimPvP
: <~SpookyDwill> time for smoking
: Bzkill joined the game.
: <piggynator> t
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> wb
: piggynator has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: ~Radagast -> me] i cant find it :(
: <~Yazneg> omg my air condition sounds like it is gonna explode
: <Bzkill> hey
: <~Yazneg> wb
: ~Radagast] try to get tpd in
: ~Radagast -> me] ooo
: ~Radagast -> me] i can look at mapwriter
: ~Radagast -> me] YES FOUND IT
: Squirrelserpent has just earned the achievement
: <Bzkill> r
: Request sent to ~Radagast.
: ~Radagast accepted your teleport request.
: Teleportation will commence in 5 seconds. Don't move.
: Teleporting...
: <~Mugetsu> e
: Teleportation commencing...
: ~Radagast -> me] its NE from here
: ~Radagast -> me] they have lots of troops
: <Bzkill> hey guys I can't open the enderchests at the spawn. Is this a bug?
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Yeah
: §e<Khîm son of Háin, the Iron Hills Merchant>§f The riches of the Iron Hills shall not wait here forever.
: ~Radagast] i can handle it
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> yes it is a bug
: <Bzkill> why cant I open them? Can I fix it?
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Working on the outside of time
: <~Yazneg> ah cool now i have both a white and a black warg
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Admins arre aware of it
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> no its a problem with some server stuff i think
: skycraftingnl left the game.
: <Bzkill> Can I open an enderchest If I buy one?
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> yes
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> just dont mine it
: ~Radagast -> me] nearly there
: ~Radagast -> me] east now
: <Bzkill> :/ All my money is in my enderchest xD
: penguin_palace has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: penguin_palace has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: Khîm son of Háin, the Iron Hills Merchant has left the area
: penguin_palace has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: <DutchFraGZ> all my money is on my bal
: <~SpookyDwill> same
: PR3SID3NT joined the game.
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> same
: <~SpookyDwill> wb
: <Leonnn_> I dont even have money
: <piggynator> why are there so many gondor sub factions?
: <Leonnn_> i gave it all away
: <Leonnn_> Ikke
: ExodusRevenge101 left the game.
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Gondors overated thats why
: <PimPvP> ~spooky i am in your mountains
: ~Radagast] found it
: <~SpookyDwill> ok
: <~SpookyDwill> good
: <Leonnn_> Ik ben Greakz_
: <~SpookyDwill> become a blue dwarf
: <PimPvP> but there is a wall
: Strelka_ has just earned the achievement
: ~Radagast -> me] kk i see it too
: <~SpookyDwill> ?
: <~SpookyDwill> what wall
: piggynator has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: <PimPvP> a land bugg waal
: <PimPvP> wall
: <~SpookyDwill> oooh
: <~SpookyDwill> bad
: <Leonnn_> Soookydwil = I_lovescience
: ~Radagast -> me] dont attack first
: <~SpookyDwill> yeah
: <~SpookyDwill> ok
: <PimPvP> xD
: ~Radagast -> me] they have unprotected loot
: <PimPvP> can i tp
: <~SpookyDwill> to me
: <PimPvP> yes
: <PimPvP> so i can continu
: <Leonnn_> yasin ik heb een trap gemaakt xDD
: <~SpookyDwill> your not going to go flipping out mlg right
: <Leonnn_> Sure
: <PR3SID3NT> staff?
: ~Radagast] what an idiots
: <~Jabzon> how do i get the prize from the ejin thing?
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Nope
: <PimPvP> sppok can i tp are not
: <Strelka_> This stinks.. Butterfly jars and arrow crafting over lap
: <PR3SID3NT> 21 players and no staff online
: <PR3SID3NT> bruh
: <Leonnn_> xD
: <~SpookyDwill> yo
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Only on the one wrong fucking ring TM
: <~SpookyDwill> I am working on this base
: <~Jabzon> Deinnemann
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> what
: <~Jabzon> youknow that enjin thing?
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> no
: <PimPvP> where is the evil
: ~Radagast] u got lava?
: ~Radagast -> me] sorry nope
: <Leonnn_> Bier
: <PimPvP> I_lovescience do you know where the evil i
: <Leonnn_> Alcoholity
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Nope
: <~SpookyDwill> I do
: SirFabioPT left the game.
: <~SpookyDwill> you want to become evil
: <PimPvP> no i want to kill it
: You don't have permission to open this container.
: <~SpookyDwill> ok like evil players or evil orcs?
: <Leonnn_> 6 wood 2 iron en?
: <PimPvP> evil orcs
: penguin_palace has just earned the achievement
: §e<Aredhel, the Galadhrim Wanderer>§f My longing for the sea grows ever deeper. I think I shall be leaving soon.
: <~SpookyDwill> they are in the ettenmoors
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: <~SpookyDwill> be careful
: <PimPvP> what way
: <~Jabzon> how do you get the prize?
: <~SpookyDwill> angmar, Hillman (angmar) and gundabad wargs, orcs come and its very deadly if you do not have
: <~SpookyDwill> anything good
: ~Radagast] stay here imma get lava
: <PR3SID3NT> maki
: Avengercz left the game.
: Fast travel in 10. Don't move!
: <PR3SID3NT> can you stop?
: Fast travel in 5...
: <PR3SID3NT> we are building
: Fast travel in 4...
: Fast travel in 3...
: Fast travel in 2...
: Fast travel in 1...
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> dunno
: ~Radagast -> me] kk
: SirNelsonPT left the game.
: <PimPvP> where do i need to go
: <PimPvP> from here
: WhiteOrc has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: Squirrelserpent has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: ~Radagast] imma burn all troops
: <~SpookyDwill> ok well go to the ettenmoors
: <PR3SID3NT> maki?
: <~SpookyDwill> just do that
: <~Maki> ?
: <PimPvP> where is that
: <Leonnn_> Ja
: <~SpookyDwill> or the lone-lands
: <~Maki> im at harlond dude
: <~SpookyDwill> that is a place
: <~SpookyDwill> good
: Request sent to ~Radagast.
: ~Radagast accepted your teleport request.
: Teleportation will commence in 5 seconds. Don't move.
: Teleporting...
: nike2b2 joined the game.
: Teleportation commencing...
: ~Radagast -> me] i cant betray my position
: nike2b2 tried to swim in lava
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> rip
: penguin_palace has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: nike2b2 left the game.
: <PimPvP> omg
: ~Radagast] where are the troops?
: <PimPvP> help meeeeeee
: <PimPvP> sir sppoky helop me
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> is there and invasion
: ~Radagast -> me] over there near those 2 similar buildings
: PimPvP has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: ExodusRevenge101 joined the game.
: <PR3SID3NT> maki?
: ~Radagast -> me] be careful if one blows a horn
: ~Radagast -> me] theres a lot more
: PimPvP has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: PimPvP has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: <PR3SID3NT> can you stop ffs?
: <~Maki> not doing anything
: <~Maki> just explorig
: <~Maki> exploring*
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: ~Radagast -> me] WATCH OUT
: <PR3SID3NT> maki leave or you'll end up dead
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: <DutchFraGZ> maki plz leave
: <PimPvP> lord maki where are you
: <piggynator> oh hi
: You tagged DutchFLaSheZ! Do not log out or you will be punished!
: DutchFraGZ was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: DutchFLaSheZ was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting TheMakiPlayz
: ~Radagast -> me] lol
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> maki got power
: DutchFLaSheZ burned to death
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> dont do anything stupid
: DutchFraGZ was pummeled by ArcticBear29 using
: You are no longer in combat
: You got tagged by PR3SID3NT! Do not log out or you will be punished!
: §e<Gwindor, the Galadhrim Wanderer>§f My time here is almost at an end.
: PR3SID3NT was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: <piggynator> i wish i had a mount... or food
: Leonnn_ was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting TheMakiPlayz
: <PimPvP> what is happening
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> is there a war going on
: <Leonnn_> MAKI WTF
: <PR3SID3NT> no maki is being a ass
: * ~Erik Selling full set of Black Uruk Armor
: DutchFraGZ was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> ded
: DutchFraGZ was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: <~Maki> they called me an nazi
: DutchFraGZ was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: DutchFraGZ was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: <Leonnn_> maki FK YOU
: <~Maki> no ty
: <piggynator> rude
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> How much dude
: <~Radagast> oh god its laggy
: <Leonnn_> JA ME STUFF
: <~SpookyDwill> no
: You are no longer in combat
: joost1997 joined the game.
: Welcome joost1997 to the server!
: <Leonnn_> Vuile afhaalchinees slethoer dat het is
: <~Jabzon> welcome
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> welcome
: <~SpookyDwill> welcome!
: piggynator has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: abriel left the game.
: Gwindor, the Galadhrim Wanderer has left the area
: joost1997 has just earned the achievement
: You tagged Leonnn_! Do not log out or you will be punished!
: Leonnn_ was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting TheMakiPlayz
: penguin_palace has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: penguin_palace has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: <Leonnn_> ME STUFF
: DutchFraGZ was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: DutchFLaSheZ was killed by magic
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: joost1997 has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: ~Dodu Proudfoot -> me] hes so mad
: You are no longer in combat
: <Leonnn_> Maki FKN SKID
: <Leonnn_> JA ME STUFF HE
: You got tagged by PR3SID3NT! Do not log out or you will be punished!
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Pff
: PR3SID3NT was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> hows the unb III maki
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Geweldig dit
: <~Erik> teehee
: DutchFLaSheZ was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: <Leonnn_> Pak m!
: PR3SID3NT was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: ~Radagast has requested to teleport to you.
: To teleport, type /tpaccept.
: To deny this request, type /tpdeny.
: This request will timeout after 120 seconds.
: DutchFLaSheZ was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: Leonnn_ was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: WhiteOrc has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: WhiteOrc has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: ExodusRevenge101 has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: <PimPvP> wut come at me bruhhh
: <~SpookyDwill> me
: DutchFraGZ was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: WhiteOrc has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: WhiteOrc has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: WhiteOrc has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: WhiteOrc has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: WhiteOrc has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: <PimPvP> yeah you are treating me
: <~Maki> mad?
: ~Radagast -> me] pls let me come back
: PR3SID3NT was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: <PimPvP> can some elves help me
: <Leonnn_> tfoee
: <~SpookyDwill> PIMPVP
: ~Radagast -> me] i was just depositing my stuff
: <PimPvP> yes
: <~SpookyDwill> you have your map location on TURN IT OFF
: <PimPvP> howwww
: <~SpookyDwill> thats what I am saying
: <PimPvP> i am not good in english
: You are no longer in combat
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Oh i can smell the salt
: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
: Teleport request accepted.
: ~Radagast has requested to teleport to you.
: To teleport, type /tpaccept.
: To deny this request, type /tpdeny.
: This request will timeout after 120 seconds.
: <~SpookyDwill> ok
: Teleport request accepted.
: ~Radagast -> me] sorrryyy
: <piggynator> stop right there criminal scum
: You tagged DutchFraGZ! Do not log out or you will be punished!
: DutchFraGZ was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: DutchFraGZ was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: <~Maki> ya mad?
: <Leonnn_> waar
: Strelka_ has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: <PR3SID3NT> not really
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Zozo dit gaat goed
: §e<Lóni son of Forin, the Iron Hills Merchant>§f Other lands await! I'll be leaving soon.
: DutchFraGZ was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: <piggynator> ik vind dit wel redelijk grappig
: <~SpookyDwill> just stop...
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Ik ook
: <Leonnn_> piggynator optiefen
: <PR3SID3NT> vind je xD
: DutchFraGZ was slain by ArcticBear29
: DutchFLaSheZ was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: DutchFraGZ was slain by TheMakiPlayz
: <Leonnn_> WAAR IS IE
: <PimPvP> how do i go to my map
: Itz_Swishly has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Zeer grappig dit
: <PimPvP> m?
: abriel joined the game.
: <piggynator> Press l
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: <~SpookyDwill> ^
: PR3SID3NT was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting TheMakiPlayz
: <piggynator> there should be arrow to the side
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: <piggynator> to switch from options to map
: Itz_Swishly has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: <PimPvP> world edit quik something
: DutchFraGZ was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting Leonnn_
: This land is under the protection of PR3SID3NT!
: Leonnn_ was pummeled by ArcticBear29 using
: <Strelka_> Setting a banner down does that mean people can't break blocks and touch my chests?
: Use the /back command to return to your death point.
: You are no longer in combat
: TheMakiPlayz was slain by PR3SID3NT
: <Leonnn_> LEKKER
: PR3SID3NT has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: <Leonnn_> U MAD SKID?!
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Lekker he
: <~Maki> illegal kill
: DutchFraGZ was slain by PR3SID3NT
: ArcticBear29 was slain by PR3SID3NT
: Returning to previous location.
: Teleportation will commence in 5 seconds. Don't move.
: <~SpookyDwill> xD
: Teleportation commencing...
: <PR3SID3NT> Tables has turned
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Spam...
: <~Radagast> MAKI AVENGE ME
: Lóni son of Forin, the Iron Hills Merchant has left the area
: <~SpookyDwill> get da mith on everyone dies
: You tagged DutchFraGZ! Do not log out or you will be punished!
: <Leonnn_> Can i get my stuff PR3SID3NT
: PimPvP -> me] lord can you help me dis dwarf is scaring me
: <~Maki> ya mad?
: Forcecrafter2000 joined the game.
: <Leonnn_> pr heb je me stuff
: <~Maki> illegal kill
: <PR3SID3NT> i told you guys to stop
: Fastred, the Oddment Collector has arrived near PimPvP
: <~Radagast> maki kill pr3
: Forcecrafter2000 tried to swim in lava
: <~Radagast> he has ma memebow
: <PR3SID3NT> rada
: Itz_Swishly has just earned the achievement
: Use the /back command to return to your death point.
: You are no longer in combat
: TheMakiPlayz was slain by DutchFraGZ
: <PimPvP> yes
: <~Radagast> salwe?
: Leonnn_ hit the ground too hard
: <~Maki> the kill is illegal
: <PimPvP> no
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> You cant dig trees from the largebree forest and the trees around little hollow
: <DutchFraGZ> why
: <Leonnn_> Maki why
: <PimPvP> world edit something
: piggynator has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: <~Maki> you cant /back in pvp death
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> no admins
: <DutchFraGZ> you did just aswell
: <PR3SID3NT> ypi didnt declare a hunt
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> it can still be reported
: <~Radagast> hi maki x)
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Get the popcorn
: <~Maki> i request that you return all my stuff
: <~SpookyDwill> DONT
: <Leonnn_> lel
: <~Radagast> aww shit we didnt declare ahunt
: <~Maki> else you get banned
: <PR3SID3NT> i request that you shut up
: <~SpookyDwill> ohhhhhh
: <~Radagast> shame
: <Leonnn_> REKKTT
: <Leonnn_> k
: <Leonnn_> ja ben boos
: ~Radagast] report em?
: <~SpookyDwill> Maki you aint getting nothing back xDDDDDDDDDDD
: <Leonnn_> I lost my stuff :(
: <PR3SID3NT> maki
: <PR3SID3NT> i told you to stop
: Squirrelserpent has just earned the Middle-earth achievement
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Oh nee wat erg
: <~Radagast> guys whats your town called?
: <PR3SID3NT> you didnt even declare a hunt
: <PR3SID3NT> mine?
: <~Radagast> yup
: <~Maki> i request that you return all my stuff or get banned
: <~Maki> your choise
: <PR3SID3NT> The Blue civilization
: <PR3SID3NT> maki
: <~Radagast> maki
: <PR3SID3NT> you didnt declare a war
: <~Maki> so?
: <Leonnn_> Maki you also killed me? you didnt even gave that back..
: <PR3SID3NT> or hunt
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Beter
: <~Maki> i dont have to declare war or hunt to kill
: <PR3SID3NT> you do
: <~Maki> not
: * ~Radagast Maki, Lord of Harlond, do you declare war on The Blue Civilisation?
: <~Maki> i do
: <PR3SID3NT> you cant
: <~Radagast> do /me
: <PR3SID3NT> my king is not online
: <PimPvP> omg
: <~Rug_Bloodstorm> ITS HAPPENING
: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.
: <PimPvP> am i in war than 2
: * ~Dodu Proudfoot Grabs the popcorn and a fake journal to write in about the war
: <~Radagast> we are declaring it agaisnt your town
: <Leonnn_> You cant
: <~Radagast> ^^^^^ what dodu said
: <PR3SID3NT> cant without a king
: <PR3SID3NT> read the rules bae
: <piggynator> Day 1 its just loads of debating about server rules and shit
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Wars need to be documented
: <~Radagast> pr3 he declared it against a town
: <~Radagast> not a fac
: <~Dodu Proudfoot> Salt levels are pretty high
(they got all my mith and tools bags etc.)
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "b4gelbites" on: (Wed, 04 Jan 2017 23:10:53 GMT)
Sorted on-server after this post was made.