Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Hippomanplayer" on: (Tue, 12 Jan 2021 21:56:53 GMT), F0000754
IGN: Hippomanplayer
Nick: Langemann
Faction: Traveler
Reason for ban: Duping
Time banned for: Perm ban
Date banned: 07.12.20 (not entirely sure)
Reason for appeal: Firstly, I want to apologize. Although me apologizing seems obvious and natural since I am writing an appeal. I genuinely want to apologize to the community. I have betrayed the community and broken the rules, for my own personal gain. And for every good time or interaction I had with someone on the server, I felt bad because I knew that I had betrayed those people by breaking the rules. Breaking that trust is something I truly regret just because of how many wonderful people that play on the server. We managed to dupe with having staff world edit hidden chests. Betraying the trust of those staff members was simply disgusting of me to do. I personally apologize for that. I of course love playing on this server, but to me its more than just that. I have so many fond memories of this server and this has become a part of my life, just being able to play on this server with my friends. And it is now I realise how stupid my actions have been. I was greedy and wanted items when the true joy was just playing the game and having fun. This server is really important to me and its way to late of me to say, but I swear I will never break the rules again. I hope that you can forgive me for my actions.
Thank you very much for reading.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "vanderm" on: (Sat, 23 Jan 2021 03:23:04 GMT)
Given that you have been problematic in the past and the severity of what you did we will not be unbanning you at this time.