Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Nanzulov" on: (Tue, 19 Feb 2019 20:07:42 GMT), F0000815
IGN: Nanzulov
Nick: no
Faction: Woodelves
Reason for ban: Xray
Date banned: 18.2.2019.
Reason for appeal: I really want to play on this server cause all the others are laggy/always down/unpopulated/italian. I am really sorry for using xray to mine a lot of mithril, didnt think of the disrespect I was doing to the rules and to the people who actually take their time to mine mithril in a legit way. If you unban me I won't use xray anymore. I am really sorry, mithril isnt even of that much use to me, i die in 1v1 against an equally equipped npc, it just looked shiny on an armor stand....
Thanks for consideration, Nanzulov
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Sir_Crab" on: (Tue, 19 Feb 2019 21:26:53 GMT)
Tempbanned for 1 week, don't let this happen again.