IGN: Chill_LAX_er
Nick: OrthancSosaGDK
Faction: Isengyatt/Isengard
Reason for ban: Disrespectful weapon name, "Racism", Disrespect
Time banned for: I believe permanent
Date banned: 1/25/25
Reason for appeal: After many of my friends asked me to return to the server, I created a weapon with a weapon name that could be seen as offensive (But it was not my intention to be as it is named after a basketball player and is from an old 2K video created by one of the sidemen) before my last ban. I mindlessly rushed into PVP without thinking and used it to kill someone and did not remember to change the name and was reported by said player in retaliation for killing all their faction members. I was not given a chance to explain myself to any of the staff in game nor did I feel I had a reason to, as this same player (who I have no problem with in the slightest yet they have been aggressive towards me for no apparent reason since my return to TOR and when I approached this player they simply responded with "I just dont think youre a good person to be around" and have been relentless in their constant mouth breathing) and another newly anointed staff member referred to me as being subhuman or "a thing" for killing them in a Minecraft server among many other names and instances of disrespect by this player for the past 2-3 months I've been playing. I believed that these instances, as this player is a patron, would go unpunished. But after staff swiftly dealt with both instances, I have swallowed my pride and appealed. I am sincerely apologizing to all staff and players I have hurt and affected with my actions. I learned from my mistake from the last time and this time, and will not use disrespectful weapon names in the future or be disrespectful towards any player, my apologies to the esteemed perfect and amazing One Ring Staff. I sincerely apologize for any player I have caused distress to as well. I made an inexcusable, disgusting continuous lapse in my judgement and I should have changed the weapon name before going into PVP with the weapon. I love the TOR community and many of the staff are longtime friends, I have contributed a lot to it and I hope you all understand that everyone makes dumb mistakes and will allow me to contribute even more to the server that I love so much. Thank you for your time-Chill.
Hello Chill,
Over half of your appeal is currently used as a justification for yourself to swallow your pride and appeal, while this should have been step one in the first place. It is good to look back at a situation to reflect upon it, but this takes time. It takes even more time to actually learn from ones mistakes and to apply said knowledge in a way to become who you want to become. The Staff team has seen how you have repeatedly broken the same rule without allowing yourself to properly reflect and learn. This has forced us to decline this appeal in favor of giving you more time to properly think things over.
To love the TOR community one must adapt to fit within it. There is no room for disrespect or even hints of racism. I hope you understand and realize that your actions have consequences, and not just for oneself.
Your ban appeal has been denied for now.
The Staff Team~
PS. As a personal side-note from myself: You and I go back quite a while now, but I no longer see the person I met back then. You have changed, and no longer seem to hold the same intentions as before. It is great to develop oneself in whatever direction the wind takes you, but do not lose track of who you want to be, and how you want to be perceived. Have a good one and keep an open mind.