Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "ILovePandas" on: (Fri, 10 Feb 2017 18:08:05 GMT), F0000878
IGN: Ed221
Nick: ~Panda
Faction: Aslengard
Reason for ban: X-Ray
Date banned: 2/10/2017
Reason for appeal: I want to keep playing, I admit that I made a mistake and broke the rules. It won't happen again.It was really stupid for me to use that.I'm very very sorry.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "b4gelbites" on: (Fri, 10 Feb 2017 22:45:33 GMT)
As you have barely played on this server and have contributed nothing besides xray and falsely accusing our staff of abusing their powers, I'm lowering the permban to a 2 month tempban as opposed to the usual 1 month.
If you genuinely want to come back and play legitimately after those two months are up, then you're free to do so.
In the future, spamming multiple staff members asking to review your ban appeal isn't an efficient strategy.