Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Midrellos" on: (Thu, 06 Aug 2020 10:01:55 GMT), F0000767
IGN: Midrellos
Nick: Mid
Faction: Don't remember
Reason For Ban: pissed off the owner, i guess i was being a dick so that's on me i joined the server during a tough time and clearly took out some of my frustration there. ( i was basically always causing unrest )
Time Banned For: perma
Date Banned: Don't remember
Reason For Appeal: My gf likes lotr and she wanted to try it out with me , im also been bored and i enjoyed alot of the time spent on TOR.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Phoenix" on: (Thu, 06 Aug 2020 17:14:48 GMT)
Let's make something clear. You weren't banned because you "pissed off the owner." You were banned because you broke TOR's most important rule: Be respectful. You were consistently disrespectful to players, staff, and the community.
I don't have a very compelling reason to unban you. You don't seem particularly regretful of what you did and you tried to circumvent making an appeal by privately messaging staff members to unban you. Nevertheless, we believe in second chances here and you can have yours. Please know that you're on a short leash.
Ban reduced to one week.