Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "shadow_hawk007" on: (Sun, 21 Oct 2018 04:04:39 GMT), F0000823
IGN: shadow_hawk007, or Talzane on discord
Nick: Shurtag (Talzane on discord)
Faction: Angmar
Reason for ban: Being inquisitive
Time banned for: permanent from Discord server
Date banned: 10/18/18 (MM/DD/YY)
Reason for appeal:
I got banned for disagreeing with Ultima on a personal opinion, he banned me because he didn't have the (I believe) patience to put up with my being inquisitive, and told me to "appeal to the higher ups if want back."
I didn't break any rules: he was not ruling as a staff member, it was a personal opinion, and last time I checked, banning for a disagreement over personal opinions is not a bannable offence. I do not believe I was being disrespectful as I was pointing out flaws in his argument, not calling names (eg. "you and that shitty Angmar Confederation"-Ultima) save for pointing out that Ultima was unnecessarily salty. There is no rule against pointing out fallacies (including the fact that he wants to make admins' jobs as easy as possible but kicked the can up the road for repealing my ban, or that he is against custom tags and has one). I was banned without just cause and for childish reasons, and believe this to be an abuse of the ability to ban players especially seeing as no rules were broken. As such, I appeal to the "higher ups" to allow my inquisitiveness back on the discord.
The right to question the use of power is an essential part of preserving impartiality, fairness, and allowing the players to be heard.(I'm going to stop here before I write a collapse of democracy debate case)
I understand this appeal is mildly argumentative; however, I think that under the circumstances, it is warranted.
Thank you for your time, whomever is reading this.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Phoenix" on: (Mon, 22 Oct 2018 04:06:00 GMT)
I'm not saying your ban was entirely unjustified (you do have a habit of butting in and giving opinions from a place of authority that you do not possess), but I'm unbanning you because a ban was a bit extreme.
P.S. I recommend using italics on the forms, not your responses. Italics is gross to read over long paragraphs of text.