Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Lance74" on: (Thu, 30 Mar 2017 01:05:16 GMT), F0000861
While the farms had some element of "automization" they weren't "afkable" and still required manual play. Therefore they should be legal. Plant farms automatically grow. Even multiple mods (including Lor) even came to my base, saw them and didn't say anything.
And you guys are perm banning players for petty reasons. Honestly, the server has gone from 20-40 players on at a time to 8-16. The reason people like the server is because of the market and no lag. But when the staff is full of 18 and under kids it outweighs the pros. Lighten up, it's just a game.
Honestly, I have a lot of IP addresses at my disposal. And 26$ is not going to break my bank. But after coming back this time I saw how much the staff has changed and how inconsistent you are. I just don't want to play with that anymore.
Also, it was kind of to prove my point. You cannot tell which mods I used. ( I won't name them so other players don't abuse them ).
The only reason you found out I was frogg is because I accidentally tried to log into the server as frogg and it registered my IP which matched with lance.
I don't want to say goodbye on a bad note, I did enjoy my time on the server and I wish the best for it. I say the above not to offend but to inform. As any successful organization knows, listening to feedback and constructive criticism is what keeps them alive.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Phoenix" on: (Thu, 30 Mar 2017 04:39:57 GMT)
Lance, you were not banned for your farms at your base. You were banned for a massive coin farm that you and Kas used, and that was very illegal. Kas was also banned for this.
Rather than talk a whole bunch of shit about the staff, however, Kas made a nice appeal and had his ban reduced.
You, on the other hand? First: You shouldn't have even been on the server again, as you were banned for xray. So why are you getting mad at us for banning you for a completely legitimate reason (the coin farm) when you've already done the following: Xrayed, circumvented a ban, and disrespected staff.
If you really didn't care about the game and you wanted us all to "lighten up," you would just move on and stop bitching.
And let me remind you one more time, if we lightened up and allowed people who broke at least 4 major rules play on our server, what would be the point of having staff at all?
Let me make something very clear... You're not giving constructive criticism. You're bashing both the staff and the rules. This is called "being salty" I'm sure you're familiar with the term.
Have fun playing where ever you decide to start playing.