Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "fcfirework" on: (Thu, 20 Feb 2020 04:54:40 GMT), F0000779
Dear TOR community, I truly am sorry for calling Asthain, one of this communities best moderators a cunt for such a petty reason as them having hurt feelings and acting out. Had I been aware of their extreme temper, ADHD and superiority complex I wouldn't have said such things as "Asthain is a Turnip". Let's cut the bullshit with a counterpoint. Phoenix, somehow you aren't even close to the worst person I know bearing that name. How could you side with someone who is trying so hard to win an argument that they ignore not one, but two opportunities to end the conversation. When I wrote my ban appeal I was truly sorry, but now I'm not so sure.
To pretty much all the admins, fuck you. Fuck you in particular.
To Talzane, RyanCV8, Telcharion and StriderDarnell, keep it real.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Athasin" on: (Thu, 20 Feb 2020 16:41:47 GMT)
Dear FCFirework,
I’m sorry that you feel the need to continue this in General Discussion. You could have dropped this and ended the conversation at the appeal since you like ending conversations so much. But because of this message, I feel the need to clarify a couple of things to you.
First of all, I didn’t have a bad day. I was having a perfectly good day until you decided it was a good idea to start throwing insults at the server’s staff. FYI, it’s never a good idea to throw insults at the server’s staff, we’re here to keep peace and make the server a fun time for everyone, which means getting rid of people that we see that can’t respect the rules. I also am a female. I know you probably don’t get to see a lot of those and that they probably don’t talk to you a lot, but we still exist. One last thing, I don’t have ADHD and I would actually prefer it if you didn’t put down people who struggle with mental health or attention disorders because it’s not their fault.
Second of all, Phoenix is one of the best owners that this server has seen in a while. He works hard to make sure that everyone on the server has a great time, and he genuinely cares about everybody on this server. So I implore you to stop insulting Phoenix, who is just defending me. Also, please refrain from dragging the admins into this argument, they have bigger things to worry about than your petty quarrels.
Again, I’m so sorry that you feel the need to drag this on and on, and that you don’t know when to drop a conversation, so consider this message as me ending the conversation for good. You could have completely avoided all of this by simply not starting it, but you did, and now you have to deal with the consequences. I hope you find peace, and I hope that one day you’ll understand why all of this has happened and learn from your mistakes.
Kindest regards,