Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "ArcticBear29" on: (Wed, 26 Oct 2016 17:20:44 GMT), F0000701
Ign: ArcticBear29
Nick: Thorondor, Illuvatar, Radagast (Current)
Current Faction: None.
Timezone: GMT+0
Started Playing: Couple of weeks ago.
Time played on the server: 6.06 Days.
Ever banned/kicked: Never.
Previous Staff Experience: None.
Plug-in Experience?: Sadly not.
Why do I want to become a staff member: During my short time on this server i have contributed many builds, these include: A tavern near Edoras; The city of Valmar (Valinor); radagasts home; A tudor manor house with culinary shops and gardens (near little hollow); and my latest project Miruvoria, basically me building peoples ideal mansions in an elite community. This shows that i have the building aspect to this. I also have leadership skills as shown by when i headed The Council of Power briefly. I also seem to get on with most people on the server (i hope?) and try to help people with their queries about the mod even if it is directing them to the wiki. I intend to make people time on the server better, and hope to make cool builds which are personal to people, as shown by my latest project, whether it be Classical or 15th century German or perhaps super modern. This is why i think that i would love to be a mod and although i dont have much experience i hope ill be good at it :) . If u want other people can vote to say if i would be good yay/nay.