Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Midrellos" on: (Mon, 01 Mar 2021 01:38:30 GMT), F0000617
Ign: Midrellos
Nick: Mid
Current Faction: Rangers Of The North
Timezone: MTN time
When You Started Playing: Bout a year ago
Timeplayed: 13 days
Age: 17
Have i ever been banned: Once for staff disrespect, series of immature circumstances where i acted like a toxic child, well deserved banned.
Do you have previous staff experience? Owner on my discord server, with one other member ( music bot ), was also a helper on a french rp lotr server.
Plugins: I can use /we and im decent at /fly, also amazing at voxel sniper ( was told to say that )
Why do you want to be a staff member: I know i can bring peace and friendship to our community, we are family. I am well liked by every single member of the server, I respect each and every sexuality and gender, I show no biased to anyone anyone I like. I will bring reform and dignity to the people of TOR they shall praise me US* and we shall become saviours to one another. I also like birds blue jays are very cool, and they're blue which is a cool color. But i also like cats they jump and they have tails.
Thank you very much for listening to my application i would say I hope this gets accepted but it basically already has been. To the people of TOR... I love you, we are family.
-Midrellos, Mid, llos, rellos the third.