Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "socthemat" on: (Sun, 04 Sep 2022 23:13:09 GMT), F0000595
IGN: socthemat
Nick: socthemat
Current Faction: Gondor
Timezone: MST (Mountain Standard Time)
When I started playing: about 1 year ago
Time played: 5.52 days
Age: 14
Have I ever been banned?: No, one time I was minorly warned for putting a chest near spawn. Not sure if this is the right place for this, but my loyalty has been of question in the past and I can confirm it was. However, I will say that I truly am now and always #TOR4Life and I have loved this community.
Do I have previous staff experience?: I have owned a few Minecraft servers as well as moderated various Discord servers. I used WE a long time ago, but would definitely need a refresher. I work as a soccer referee IRL as well so I have learned countless leadership skills from there as well.
Plugins: As mentioned, WE
Why do I want to be a Staff Member?:
Let me preface this by saying this: I am applying here, today, in the expectation that this will be rejected. I know I don't have the playtime and experience demonstrated by numerous other applicants. You may say, "Soc, it's backwards. You're expecting to be rejected". And I know that. But I don't care. I don't care because I want this shot. A shot at getting to be a part of the amazing staff team. Even if it's a 1 percent chance, I'll take those odds. Because ever since day 1 of being on this server I have loved it. I have wanted to be staff so bad. This community has been my home and have always positively affected me through good times and bad. I absolutely adore helping people and I truly believe becoming staff will allow me to do that. I want to make new players have a wonderful experience on TOR, and help stop those people who negatively affect that experience. Because that's what I was given. I want to treat people the way I was treaten (the golden rule). And overall, I know this sounds like a cheesy, absurd staff application but everything said here is the truth. Thank you for taking the time to read this as I know it is long. If this turns out to be rejected, well, that's life. You have to deal with rejection and I have dealt with it before. But I will continue to play on TOR now and forever because I love this server to the roots.