Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "TakeAwaytjuh" on: (Sun, 29 Mar 2020 01:28:49 GMT), F0000637
Ign: MonsterEn3rgy
Nick: Isillias
Current Faction: Umbar
Timezone: CET
When you started playing: 1-2months
Time played on the server: (Escape > Statistics > Minutes played)
Age: 19
Have you ever been banned or warned for breaking a rule? If so, elaborate: on TORlotr not
Do you have previous staff experience? If so, elaborate: not on Torlotr but i've been staff in the past of multiple servers soem smallers servers some a bit bigger, i also hosted my own lotr server a year back ish, which had about 5-10 players on daily. If you guys have more questions about my staff experience y'all can ask in my dms
If you have had staff experience, what plugins do you have experience working with?: i used allot of plugins in the past: groupmaneger, pex, ...
Why do you want to be a staff member?: just to keep an eye out on the server, looking what i can help with, support the staff team.
I know it is not the best apllication but that's because my english isn't the greatest and i just don't like it to type it all out on a site, dms are my way of trust kinda, so if you need more info about me or why i am applying just dm me Discord: ๖̶̶̶ζ͜͡RSP | That 1 melon boy#1966 Thanks for ur time anyways to read this application!