Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "vanderm" on: (Tue, 25 Oct 2016 19:59:15 GMT), F0000702
Ign: vanderm135
Nick: I don't have one
Current Faction: Bree
Timezone:Eastern Standard Time
When you started playing: I started playing consistently 1 year ago, but I have played on and off for the last three.
Time played on the server: 17 days and counting
Have you ever been banned or warned for breaking a rule? If so, elaborate: The only time I was banned was for having corrupt player data. I have also had a couple minor offenses, but the only punishment I received for these was my own guilt.
Do you have previous staff experience? If so, elaborate: I was an admin on another LOTR server over the summer, then I was promoted to owner. I later demoted myself, mainly because I want to spend more time on here.
If you have had staff experience, what plugins do you have experience working with?: Worldedit, but that's kind of expected. I have done a bit with Essentials and Groupmanager. I have tried VoxelSniper, and I plan on learning more about it when I can. I am also eager to learn how to use many of the other plugins on the server. (Knowledge is power!)
Why do you want to be a staff member?: Recently when I have been on, there have not been any staff members, and when there are staff members on, there aren't that many on. I want to fix this so that people have a larger, controlled, access to key features like /fly and WorldEdit. I also generally like to help people, which can be seen to the many items I have given away to players.
Last notes: I have been very dedicated to this server, as this is the only server that I have invested more than one day of playing time into. I also have shown my dedication when my player data was corrupt. I didn't want to wait the months it would take to get it fixed, (this was before Lor was the owner of the server, It's done much faster now) I created a second account which I used for the time until my vanderm account was fixed. I also used to maintain teh server's wiki page on the Lotr wiki, but recently I have not been doing much on it. (Kudos to Jatkin1 and Gsf4life for maintaining it since) Overall, I hope this application convinced you that I am a good fit for the job.