Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "pizza9798" on: (Tue, 20 Dec 2016 17:58:54 GMT), F0000689
Ign: pizza9798
Nick: My nick fluctuates usually, but I am easily recognised by my title within mordor (and accidentally messaging me as opposed to Sauron)
Current Faction: Mordor (the black hand)
Timezone: +0 GMT
When you started playing: The end of August (2016)
Time played on the server: 6.93 days (as of this application)
Have you ever been banned or warned for breaking a rule? If so, elaborate: I was warned for backing during pvp, but that is about it.
Do you have previous staff experience? If so, elaborate: I do not have previous experience, but I feel that I am sensible enough to handle things in a way that is beneficial to all parties that are in the right. (I also have a little experience staffing a private server with GamingRebooted, but that doesn't really count towards much).
If you have had staff experience, what plugins do you have experience working with?: I use worldedit on a regular basis, but can learn other plugins if I need to.
Why do you want to be a staff member?: I would like to be a member of staff as, firstly, there aren't many staff members on in this timezone. I also feel that I would be skilled at settling various disputes that rise between various people. Really I just want to make the server experience that little bit better for anyone (giving fly and helping with mod things). I would like to dabble in setting up events, but I am not sure about how good I would be in that field. I guess watching sieges could be pretty fun, too.