Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "foxstra" on: (Fri, 12 Mar 2021 09:55:51 GMT), F0000553
Earlier I saw a suggestion that wanted buyable spawneggs for merchants and smiths npcs, this however is pretty broken. Instead my suggestion would be that marked places at builds that give a player Kingship, for example the capital of Umbar or Ivillis can get a couple custome npcs in their market stalls. It would make sense for gigantic cities to have functional merchants and gives these places another reason to visit. Minas Tirith seems to have npc merchants and is because of this often visited to buy and sell stuff, maybe some other builds could have the same purpose!
Another suggestion I have is for an event.
At a build or just in giant empty space it would by fun to host a Hungergame event, with scattered chests and stuff like that.
A last suggestion would be something simular to the event above, so everyone starts with nothing and they have to work together to build someting together in a limmited space (so no killing). In the end they have to vote at who has made the most contribution. The person with the most votes wins a price.
Let me know what you think of these ideas!
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Phoenix" on: (Fri, 19 Mar 2021 21:10:23 GMT)
Hi Foxtra!
Sometimes, if lore builds are at a certain quality and completion, their build owners are allowed to request NPCs. It's up to the Admins how many and what NPCs, but it is something we do! We don't sell them, however, because it becomes too exploitable.
Those events are great! You are always welcome to pursue building them as a player, even if staff aren't able to host it officially!