Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Sir_Crab" on: (Sun, 27 Nov 2016 20:30:58 GMT), F0000699
IGN: Sir_Crab
Nick: Stain
Current faction: Half-Trolls.
Timezone: EU.
When you started playing: September 30.
Time Played on the server: 6.28 days.
Have u ever been banned or warned?: No i haver never been banned or warned by any staff member.
Do u have previous staff experience?: Yes i do have some staff experience, i was an really active admin on a lotr mc server. But the owner stopped playing.
Do u have any experience with plugins?: I had some experience with WE, but mostly the basics of it.
Why do u want to be a staff member?: Well.... I want to be a staff member because, I want to help the people on the server when there is no staff on. (Mostly for EU people). And because i am quite active on this server and i have wasted quite some time on the server lol. And because i want to help build events or even create an event, I have some idea's already for it. And i would really love to help the server even more.
Well thanks for reading this :D
Greetings Sir_Crab