Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Mido." on: (Fri, 07 Oct 2022 11:25:17 GMT), F0000580
Please keep in mind that a good Staff application isn't a guarantee of getting accepted. How people act on the server before becoming part of the team is much more important. It is also important to keep in mind that we do not deny any application, sometimes we simply accept them later. If you feel like you have improved as a person and player before then, you can always make another application!
In Game Name:
Discord Tag:
When you started playing:
You do not need to be a server veteran to be a staff member, I wasn't!
Time played on the server:
While logged in: Escape > Statistics > Minutes played.
If you are not comfortable posting this information publicly, you can message a senior staff member.
What are some examples of your leadership and/or teamwork experiences?
Either in real life or online.
What do you excel at?
How familiar are you with the Lord of the Rings mod?
You do not need to be an expert to be accepted!
What is an example of personal growth you have done recently?
In other words, is there something you weren't so great at before, that you worked on and improved over time?
What is your role in the community, currently?
Reflect upon how actively you chat and interact with other players in the community, in addition think about the topics that come up; is it TOR related or on a more personal scale?
The last time you found yourself in a disagreement with another player, how did you approach it?
Naturally, not everything is perfect on TOR; what do you think needs improvement?
Lastly, what motivates you to continue playing and to apply to the staff team?
We thank you for your interest in TOR and in joining the Staff team! Good luck with these questions, I know they can be a bit scary or tough at first glance, but I am more than certain that you can handle them. Try to answer them as truthfully as possible, elaborate as much as you can, follow the format, and be sure your behavior on the server reflects your application. You do not need the helper rank to help out, never forget that! You got this!