In Game Name:taserblade
Discord Tag:taserblade2011
faction: High Elves Rivendale
timezone: new zealand GMT+13
Hi,'m taserblade my real name is Josh i have been playing since I was young about 7 but joined one month ago
age: I am 12/13 (i hope my age doesn't matter only how I act on the server)
banned: I have only been banned by biased adims from severs whom I did not get a chance to tell my side of the story
why i want to be a helper/staff: When i joined my first sever everyone was mean i chaged the sever from griefing and stealing to a sever were everyone got along so every other sever i have join i have tried or haved help by being kind respectful careing and just being nice.I love this server i fell in love with it so fast and like my friend ~CordytheNordy and redanor. I would like to help people.
I hope you take me into consideration
thank you:Joshua/taserblade