Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "jatkin1" on: (Sun, 11 Dec 2016 05:54:56 GMT), F0000954
Hey. So Bagel first Threatened to ban me (which was adequate) but then started insulting me. I don't think this is very nice, especially considering he is an admin. I then mentioned that it was not cool on his page and he instantly deleted the post. Im not saying he shouldn't be admin, but he should at least consider being nicer to the players.
I don't know exactly where to post this but I'm putting it under reporting (it can be moved)
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Phoenix" on: (Sun, 11 Dec 2016 06:25:05 GMT)
Dear jatkin1,
Here's the deal. I'll list it in bullet points so the situation is very easy to understand:
• Number 1: You were banned very justly; you harassed staff (namely me) and stuck your nose where it didn't belong.
• Number 2: Theo is an extremely nice person, however, he is staff which means he doesn't have a high tolerance for obnoxious players. (NO ONE who has been staff for long does) There's a difference between being nice and being fair. Being nice is not a requirement, it's a courtesy. Theo remained respectful even while being 'not-nice'. You see, being nice is not directly attached to being respectful. Ever heard of 'respectfully telling someone to not do/be something/someone? The same concept applies here. Theo doesn't need to be NICE, to be respectful. And although ALL staff would much rather be nice to our players, our players, unfortunately, do not always make that an option. Like in your case, for example.
• Number 3: This doesn't directly apply to your forum post, but I want to bring it up anyway: I remember having a conversation with you where you were complaining (or whining if you want to call it that) that you'd never become staff. I told you were right, you would never become staff for multiple reasons. Allow me to explain those reasons:
You've broken several rules before, an automatic turn off for staff positions.
- You seem to think telling staff what to do and how to act is part of your job, it isn't and it makes you seem obnoxious.
- You act extremely entitled.
- You argue with staff constantly.
- And you don't know when to quit.
There you have it, 3 good and valid bullet points. You now have two options. You can either calmly accept the situation and stop talking about it completely. Or, you can continue to whine about it and receive further punishment.
The choice is your's, but please choose correctly.