Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "WilliamPlayz117" on: (Mon, 22 Jun 2020 02:46:49 GMT), F0000770
You know why I am making this thread...
I didn't Xray!
If you want to believe that I did then watch me mine and find out for yourself.
All I did was mine 15 to 20 mithril then tried doing a duplication glitch, which is probably also against the rules... The place that I got the original mithril was the place Stalone and Vand were making a big crater looking for Gollum. Which when Kory Olg and I found him Stalone "younked" him from us.
Back to the reason you banned me! ALL I DID WAS TRY A GLITCH, if you read this, which you probably will see this and facepalm yourself again like the first time, then know that I am not saying this because I want to get unbanned. NOO I want to make sure that you don't make this mistake to other players who spend days, weeks, Hell even years playing on your server and get banned for something you can't 100% prove.
Before you banned me, again, I was trying to make a difference and show that I was really sorry for breaking the rule and I was trying to make friends on TOR, Which i did. August, Thallah, Kory, Gaya, and Cheese.
Don't unban me just make sure you are absolutely sure a player broke a rule before you ban them when they are offline like you did me.
If you read this whole thing then know that I did this within three minutes and was a little rushed and didn't read my thread.
You guys have a great staff team and I would get myself banned from every lotr server in order to have one as good as yours.................. PS I still want to play bedwars with you guys. no, I am not going to write an essay on how much I love you Stalone... that's just weird to type that out.
thank you. William
Holy shit I used to be toxic... This is modern me saying this cause damn
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Phoenix" on: (Mon, 22 Jun 2020 05:08:33 GMT)
It takes a lot of misguided audacity to privately request my help setting up your server and then, in the same breath, make a pseudo-ban appeal trying to clear your name whilst incriminating yourself for a worse rule-breaking activity.
Having a good staff team starts with yourself. And today, all you've done so far is continuing to cause trouble. My recommendation is that you stop trying to manipulate people. Insulting them and them kissing up to them is a terrible strategy.
If you want to be a leader, accept responsibility. Don't try to justify yourself, don't try to insult other people, accept responsibility for your actions, and carry yourself with dignity. At the end of the day, it won't matter whether or not you x-rayed multiple times or attempted duplication. What will matter is how you treat people. And you, my friend, have treated everyone on this server terribly. Myself, my staff, the players, and the server itself.
Ask yourself if this is the kind of person you want to remember yourself being when you're on your deathbed. You're young, you have a life ahead of you which means you have a lot of life to start treating people the right way. I really hope you make the choice to do that.
In the meantime, however, you are not welcome to this server or its community. We're people, we want to be treated like people. We don't exist for you to tromp around on. I hope you have a good night and that your Father's Day was lovely. Stop harassing TOR.
With love,