Hello dear staff team. I think you already know that I lag a lot. Sometimes when I log in or tp or something like that it takes more than 1 minute. That's why I suggest to take the 1 min cooldown before killing someone to 2 mins
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Hey there Dagra, thanks for the suggestion! We actually used to have the 2 minutes rule that you suggest in place, but after extensive discussions amended this a few months ago. We believe that a 1 minute pvp timer is more reflectionate towards what the rule is trying to do, which is strike a nice balance between safety and intrigue. Furthermore, it accomodates for the majority of the playerbase to have a good time. However, I definitely understand that this can be rather tricky for you and your system. So if you find yourself in a situation in which this rule has impacted you; please open a !Ticket in the discord, be sure to provide logs so we can take a look into the matter and decide from there!