TSR Rules
For any questions regarding these rules, feel free to ask in the Discord!
I - General Rules
All these rules are for the general aspect of the community, not just the minecraft server.
The staff's decision is final. (No exceptions).
Respect all players. Bullying or harassment is not permissible. (Bullying/Harassing as a "joke" is no better than actual bullying/harassing).
Undue amounts of spam, caps, or cursing will result in a temporary mute.
Griefing is not allowed even in unclaimed bases. You may, however, steal from unprotected tile entities (chests, armor stands, etc). You may not steal from chests/grief builds you are added to.
Exploiting/hacking is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to: Fly hacks, block glitching, kill aura, x-ray (machines), duplication (of any kind), (mounted) block clipping, enderporters, etc.
World downloads or saving schematics of other people’s builds is illegal.
Bypassing the auto-afk kick system by any means is illegal.
Keeping items from events is illegal unless otherwise stated.
Advertising is NOT allowed unless an unprompted player asks for information; then you may respond in a PM.
Player locators are illegal.​
II - Build Rules
For any questions or advice, be sure to contact Staff!
No blocking/griefing lore & custom FT points.
Mob farms may not be built within the main End island, or within 1k blocks of a Lore-FT. Additionally, mob farms must fit within a 65x65x65 cube.
Alts/mains may not be used at farms while another account is in-game.​
Villager trading halls are not permitted.
A mob farm is defined as any structure which manipulates or restricts the behavior and/or attacks of entities for the purpose of farming.
Hoppers must be limited to 128 per build.
Custom travel points (/home, waystones) are not allowed within 1k blocks of builds unless given permission by the build owner (this includes lore builds, even if they have an official waypoint closer than 1k blocks).
You may not build within 1k blocks of another build without permission. If you are unable to get into contact with the owner of another build (i.e. due to inactivity), contact a staff member for assistance.
For smaller biomes in which 1k blocks in-between is too much space for a suitable location, contact a senior staff member.​
Builds on lore FT points may be removed by contacting senior staff. Senior staff will then open dialogue with you and the original builder. The existing build must meet some criteria, including but not limited to: lack of quality, lack of progress, and/or lack of activity in order to be removed. Furthermore, you must provide evidence as to why your proposed new build would be an improvement relative to the existing build at the lore FT point (for example, showing plans or schematics for your proposed new build and explaining them).
No bridging/poling into a base (including block glitching. Magic and mounts are allowed but not if used to glitch through blocks)​
The End's main island may not be claimed.
III - Faction Rules
These rules are a work in progress alongside the Middle-Earth mod for TSR!
Hopping factions to gain benefits or to loophole requirements/rules is not allowed (this includes joining a faction to gain trust/access to wayshrines/claims).
As of right now, for TSR only, waypoint leadership (i.e. Lord of Ravenhill) is given on a first come first serve basis. You can only have 1 leader per team setup, bypassing this through allies will result in title removal.
This leadership can become faction leadership upon request after 21 days of activity (averaging at 2 hours p/week). ​
If a player is inactive for 30+ days and has builds/items/claims in your town/build, you may claim that player's stuff.
IV - PvP
Rules primarily for Player v. Player combat and troops!
​Wait 1 min after a tp/ft/coming out of afk/logging in to engage in pvp. You may not afk, or abuse this in another manner, to avoid combat.
Killing someone while they’re in afk status is illegal (including forcing them out of afk).
Once you kill everyone inside their base, you will have 2 minutes to leave their base for 12 hours.
This is negated if someone returns to the base within the aforementioned 2 minutes.
Storing a /home in another player's base is not allowed.
Weapons or spells that use Area of Effect may not be used to kill players or entities protected by blocks.
Pretty self-explanatory. Large-scale PvP between factions.
​Wars are player-organized events where two or more factions participate in large-scale pvp, usually involving a ‘siege build’ where one side tries to infiltrate and eliminate the other.
Staff do not organize or enforce war rules. It is entirely up to the players to maintain order within wars. Players cannot seek staff assistance in managing wars, unless a general rule has been broken, such as hacking or exploiting.
All facets of the wars, including gear, pvp format, and rewards are up to the players to decide. However, below you will find suggested ways to organize a war.
Important: Biomes/land cannot be transferred between factions.
Suggested Ways to Organize a War
These are suggestions, not binding rules!
Determine the factions and players that will be involved with a war. Because wars are player-organized, one player/faction cannot force another player/faction to participate in a war.
Determine where and how Organized PVP Encounters (OPE) will take place. This would include a list of builds that can be “sieged” as well as potential “ground battles” or any other rules for organized pvp encounters (OPE).
Determine what equipment can be used by players during OPEs.
Things to consider:-
Lore items
Any gear or faction-specific gear
Hired units/Mounts
Determine the win or surrender conditions for the war.
When one side has won 3 OPEs.
Determine the rewards/losses at the conclusion of the war.
Lore items
Or, best of all: nothing and just have fun
Organized PvP Encounters and How to Organize Them
Specifically Sieges
Organized PVP Encounters are just that: Organized times for players to participate in a stylized form of pvp.
OPEs can happen outside of Wars. They are player-organized and player-run.
Typically OPEs come in two forms: Sieges and Ground Battles.
Below are recommended rules for organizing Sieges:
Determine what traps may be used in a siege build.
Determine how a siege build may be edited by attackers (I.E. can they break or place any blocks? In specific areas?) Suggestion: Allow breaking of quagmire and placing of ladders.
Determine how attackers can progress through a siege build. Suggestion: The most common way is to construct “Rams” at designated Gates. An example of what a Ram could be can be found at /warp help.
Determine whether or not banners can be used to protect land and if they need to have self-protection off.
Determine, if you use the Ram system, how many gates can require a Ram to be opened.
Determine if either the attackers or defenders are allowed to restock on gear during a Siege​