Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "PastaCityWinner" on: (Tue, 04 Oct 2016 20:08:58 GMT), F0000543
October is going to be full of events! Every weekend, we have something festive and spooky planned (They will be announced soon). We will also have a Halloween Raffle. You can earn raffle tickets while participating in events or they can be given out by staff for good behavior. The raffle prizes will be announced on October 31st!
Pumpkin Carving Event - Saturday, October 8th! 5pm EST
You can also check the calendar section of this forum to see upcoming events!
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "vanderm" on: (Sun, 16 Oct 2016 18:01:01 GMT)
Where is the Calendar?