Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "fcfirework" on: (Tue, 18 Feb 2020 03:40:05 GMT), F0000780
IGN: FCFirework
Nick: None
Faction: Dunland
Reason for ban: Abusive Chat
Date banned: 18/2/2020
Reason for appeal: First I'd like to ask that Athasin doesn't get a say in if I get unbanned, as he will have a bias. I was having a bad day and I asked aquiredcheese (poorly, in retrospect) what gear he lost in his excursion to Utumno. If I recall correctly, he asked me to tone it down a bit. In my current state of modest annoyance, I started acting poorly. I promise to tone down the Dunland supremacy thing if I get unbanned.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Phoenix" on: (Wed, 19 Feb 2020 21:01:59 GMT)
Dear FCFirework,
You're absolutely right, Athasin would have a bias. Why? Because you called her a cunt. If you called me a cunt, I'd probably have a bias too. But guess what? You don't get a say in who gets a say about your ban. Why? Because you called one of my staff members a cunt; so you forfeited any privileges you thought you had.
I'd like to draw your attention to Rule 2: "Respect all players. Bullying or harassment is not permissible. (Bullying/Harassing as a “joke” is no better than actual bullying/harassing.)"
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you've read that. You should know that this is the MOST important rule on the entire server. There is nothing more important than treating others with respect.
Having a bad day is never an acceptable excuse for being an asshole. If you're not in a good mood and can't control how you talk to others, then either don't play or don't talk to anyone until you've calmed down. I don't care how shitty your life is, you may never use that as an excuse to be hurtful to others.
I'd also like to draw your attention to the second part of the rule: "Bullying/Harassing as a 'joke' is no better than actual bullying/harassing." If your sense of humor relies on making other people feel like shit, then I kindly ask you to never speak to me again. If your defense mechanism when someone calls you out on saying something dumb is to insult them, whether by calling them a sponge, saying they have no sense of humor or any other method, then once again, please never speak to me again.
I'd be a little more forgiving if this was a one time or first offense. But what really gets my goat is that you had the audacity to both login to start insulting Athasin again AND you made a NEW DISCORD just to further your petty gripe. Someone who is willing to put that much effort into being obnoxious is not someone I want on my server.
Your appeal is denied. Maybe in a couple of weeks you can appeal again and demonstrate that you've actually learned your lesson. Otherwise, I truly wish you the best of luck in your life and I hope your bad attitude gets better.