In Game Name: Lt Foxtrot (or Aragorn)
Discord Tag: LordFoxtrot
Pronouns: He/Him
Timezone: American Eastern Daylight Time
When you started playing:18 days
Time played on the server:2.59 days ( I do have a life i just don't sleep)
What are some examples of your leadership and/or teamwork experiences?
I am a Tech Sgt in the Civil Air Patrol (an auxiliary of the Air Force in the US that tries to educate teenagers and get them their pilot license) and have been put in multiple situations where i am required to lead I also was elected to leadership in one of my school's houses (little groups that compete in different types of competitions) and I am also one of the tech directors at my church so I make sure all the mics, speakers and the live stream are working.
What do you excel at?
I am pretty good with people, I am a very social person and make friends easily. I am a quick learner and dont forget things easily I know computers pretty well and, I listen to instructions and rarely make the same mistakes twice.
How familiar are you with the Lord of the Rings mod?
While I am not very familiar with the LOTR mod I have worked with other mods in the past with other games for example Skyrim (not the messed up ones) and The Witcher 3.
What is an example of personal growth you have done recently?
While I am A people person, sometimes if I get a bad first impression I tend to hold a grudge. Recently I have begun to notice it more and have gone out of my way to be nicer to people like that to end that habit and to not be rude to people for no reason. What I have found with that is my gut instinct isn't always right and I was missing out on some great friendships.
In other words, is there something you weren't so great at before, that you worked on and improved over time?
What is your role in the community, currently?
Currently, I'm still pretty new but I've made a few friends and am trying to become king of Gondor
Reflect upon how actively you chat and interact with other players in the community, in addition, think about the topics that come up; is it TOR related or on a more personal scale?
A mixture of both I have had some TOR-related conversations and some that were not and the personal ones never went too far
The last time you found yourself in a disagreement with another player, how did you approach it?
I had a slight disagreement with someone and nothing came of it, it was mostly just that we both wanted to be king of Gondor and I had to get off before we finished discussing it. I got on later but it was like he had forgotten so I believe we are all good now.
Naturally, not everything is perfect on TOR; what do you think needs improvement?
I haven't noticed anything really bad about TOR just that there aren't a lot of staff on when I am on.
Lastly, what motivates you to continue playing and to apply to the staff team?
I love the world of LOTR and feel that it's a really fun environment to play in. I like the way the factions are set up and I want to apply to staff so hopefully I can be a part of improving on it and making it so that more people can enjoy it better.