Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "AlphaMunky" on: (Wed, 14 Dec 2016 09:08:05 GMT), F0000697
IGN: AlphaMunky
Nick: Imrahil
Current Faction: Dol Amroth (Current Prince of Dol Amroth)
TimeZone: GMT United Kingdom
When I Started Playing: 1 1/2 months ago Approx.
Time Played on Server: 12Days
Banned: Never
Previous Staff Experience: I governed my own server which had a few friends and a few random people the server was only up for 4 1/2 months,
Plugins; Very briefly used world edit but willing to take a couple days off to learn to use it i have also briefly used towny on a couple of servers i have played on.
Why do i want to be a staff member: i feel the server is becoming too popular for the short amount of staff you guys have although the staff do a great job they are sometimes overwhelmed with requests, as most of you know im a very active player as im on almost everyday most of the day,most will know im a happy kind and helpful player and i get along with everyone, i enjoy helping others as much as i can. I really enjoy this server and the community surrounding it. I can also enforce the rules of the server handing out required punishments i always remain calm under any situation and can be serious when the situation requires it. I'm also very patient and can help player with most things i can step up to any challenge and offer players supplies if they need them. I am also willing to reread the rules regularly and learn the reasoning behind each rule and can explain to player why a certain rule is in effect.
Thank you for taking the time to read this i appreciate it and look forward to finding out the conclusion and also playing on this server for time to come hopefully as a moderator to have more responsibility on the server.
AlphaMunky (Imrahil)