Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "MrDialga34" on: (Sun, 09 Oct 2016 07:47:55 GMT), F0000910
IGN: Lance_Champion
Nick: ~Shadmir
Faction: Mordor
Reason for ban: The rightful leader of Mordor (GamingRebooted) needed lots of mithril, so I got an undetectable X-Ray and hopped into meneltarma. Just saying, my enchanted halberd is legit as is one of GamingRebooted's mithril sets, It belonged to Thranduil before we killed him.
Date banned:8/10/2016 (British way of doing it)
Reason for appeal: I want to stay playing on the server, and I did do something very bad. But if you decide to keep me banned, let me on one last time please to give my legit halberd and all my money away. Also I can't get rid of this X-Ray :/. Any suggestions?
EDIT: I have started using the Technic modpack that _Ironfoot uses. No X-Ray! That profile is single player only now.
Poll: I know it's not your decision, but democracy can't hurt.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "b4gelbites" on: (Mon, 10 Oct 2016 16:27:13 GMT)
Permban moved to a 3 week tempban