Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Vernon" on: (Thu, 08 Feb 2018 19:24:08 GMT), F0000655
Ign: VernonRoche
Nick: VernonRoche
Current Faction: None
Timezone: EET
When you started playing: Not yet
Time played on the server: 0
Age: 19
Have you ever been banned or warned for breaking a rule? If so, elaborate: Never
Do you have previous staff experience? If so, elaborate: *: Well, I have quite a lot of positions in which I was. First of all, I want to start off with the bukkit server and then I will move on with the rest. I had been Head-Admin in a factions server called Legion Craft, in which I was later promoted to Manager and then to Owner (because previous left), something which lasted around 8 months. Then, as a Chief Builder I stayed for some 4 months on Divine (greek mythology server) but then left as unfortunately I was being bullied by a fellow member of the staff. In addition, I worked as an Administrator in five different servers (Siege Craft, Legendary Network, World of Ancalath, Chaos League, Chaos Craft), where I stayed from 4-11 months in each. Got promoted in the last 3 to Head-Admin but then left as for 5 months I had my accout stolen. After that I went to modded servers, notably using the LOTR mod. For some 2 months I stayed in an upstart server but then as it closed I moved to another one and was Advanced Builder for the same period. Moreover, I stayed for one and half year at a server named Ancarcraft, where I started from Helper and then moved to another server (Kingdoms of Middle-Earth and Beyond), in which I had the Manager (or Co-Owner) position from 05/2015 until Christmas 2016 and was Admin until recently, where I spend most of my time, doing all kinds of work. P.S. I have made a server of my own, a bukkit one (220-240 players online), but closed due to high hosting cost.
(Some additional information): I was a Head-Builder in Ascenscion of Arda (AoA) for about a month, building almost all Mordor builds together with some others like Dol-Amroth and Osgiliath, until I made a pause in Minecraft as a whole until recently. Now until today I work as a Builder and Helper in Flames of War, in which I did most builds in the server and run the biggest faction.
If you have had staff experience, what plugins do you have experience working with?: WorldEdit, GroupManager generally but I can learn very quickly how to work with different plugins.
Why do you want to be a staff member?: First of all, I was quite interested by the whole presentation of the server, which quite surprised me, as I haven`t seen unfortunately many servers with qualified stuff. The main concept really intrigued me, as I am a fan of medieval warfare, kingdoms, and everything accompanied with. On the other hand, it has been a long time since I am searching a server which suits me, as I am very picky, and eventually I found the perfect occasion to offer my experience and knowledge to some players who may, after all, appreciate my dedication. Although I have been offered many positions in other servers, and high ones on a bunch of them, I often deny them because of their lack of quality. But, I think this one is my lucky pick, in which I hope to persevere and stay until I think the time has come.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Phoenix" on: (Thu, 08 Feb 2018 22:04:50 GMT)
Nice application. But we aren't going to accept any player as staff, no matter how qualified, until they've played for a reasonable amount of time and have truly shown their dedication to the community.
I hope you stick around, you seem like a nice guy, but I don't want players who feel as though they're entitled to a staff position.