Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Nordiceous" on: (Mon, 02 Jan 2017 18:39:13 GMT), F0000683
IGN: itayzeis
Nickname: Harald
Faction: Frozen Kingdom.
Timezone: Northern-European timezone but I don't think there is a difference
Time I have been playing: Since the start of 2015~ Not sure
Time playing on the server: Countless hours I'd say
Ever been banned from the server?: Yes one time.
Do I have any former staff experience?: Yes, Used to be a Co-Owner in a vanilla server.
Any experience with plugins: Mostly World-Edit, Probably my personal Hobby in MC.
Why applicating for staff? I guess my decision to make a Staff Application probably surprising
you all, I would like to become a staff member to help all of the regular players in the server, with no matter of Relationship or power, I am a good builder and will be able to help in any time to anyone and even in public things like events and more... I think most of the players would also agree with me that there is a massive need of European staff members to give them fly world edit ect.
It is your decision to make, staff, I personally think I have the requirements for this, if I haven't I wouldn't have been applicating.
Happy New Year! ~ Itayzeis