Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Vision" on: (Fri, 29 Nov 2019 09:52:32 GMT), F0000785
IGN: Vision_SN
Nick: StateofTheArt
Faction: Blackroot Vale
Reason for Appeal:
Went on Alt accounts to exploit the starter money.
Firstly i just want to say that this Server is unlike any server in the mod, it has amazing features such as the market systems and is active and fun to immeasurable levels. However one problem which i face which is not the mods or admins problem, which i'm sure you mods and admins are aware of is the PVP killing. When i first started the server, i immediately fell in love, i met amazing people that helped me when i began such as deathmuffin77 and instantly became "addicted" to the game, simply having fun and working hard to become Lord of Blackroot Vale. However one week in, literally after i crafted my first mithril armour set which i was so happy about i made the wrong decision to play around with another player (Gaja) He ended up killing me and taking my entire servers worth of gear and valuables and simply burning it in lava.
Fast forward 1-2 weeks after i got my new laptop, i went back on the server and began playing again. Special shoutout to Vanderm for being incredible and giving me my old chests back, faction align and waypoints. So then came holidays and i began tryharding at the game and reached 1k align for gondor, finally acquired a god rhino and finally crafted a decently enchanted mithril set and sword and a g lindon bow. I thought i wouldnt fall into the same trap with pvp again but yesterday, whilst Ingold and I were at my new base at brv (another shoutout to cardeh for creating it for me) and we were building and planning out the circular wall around my base. Another player who i trusted, Moryan tped over, however another player Acentis also tped over as well through Moryan. For the first few minutes he didnt appear to do anything, just watching and sorting prices for rhinos. However out of the blue he started attacking me. Seeing as i was on Aus ping and the fact i was confused beyond belief of why he was attacking me, i didn't do anything and messaged him to stop, he then just like gaja took all my gear except this was worth triple than before and also took my rhino. I was shocked as i had done nothing to him.
This than tempted me to go on alt accounts and exploit the starter money to get a decent amount of money to buy some enchants and other things i lost.
Date Banned: 29/11/2019 (In Australia)
Time banned for: 2 Months
Reason for Appeal: As i stated above, i love this Server, it has been a immeasurable joy and not only has it been a fun server to play on, it has given me something to strive for seeing as Exams are over.
I admit i exploited the starter money, i admit i used alts. I admit that i have made a huge mistake and it should not be tolerated. I swear to god, i will not break any more rules and especially never exploit starter money on alts. All i ask is for you to forgive me seeing as this is my first offence, understand that i have realized what i have done wrong and give me a second chance.
As well as that, I'm also sorry for neglecting to point out my mistake on the discord chat when muffin brought it up in #Staff Chat. I will be more respectable and when a problem arises, i will not spam the Chat asking for my gear back but approach it more sensibly.
The silver is located under a tree at Oathbarton. It is extremely close to the spawn point, if im unbanned i can show you.
Regards and Thanks
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Phoenix" on: (Fri, 29 Nov 2019 19:26:43 GMT)
A nice appeal, except that it's made totally invalid by your lying and alting. You spent the money you originally exploited, we both know that. In an attempt to make your actions seem more forgivable, you logged on with new alts last night and AGAIN exploited the money. This time, however, you seemed to think that if you make it seem like it's the money you originally exploited, you could somehow earn forgiveness by returning it.
Hahahaha, no.
Since you have joined the server, you've caused nothing but problems. You're constantly bothering the staff for inconsequential issues. You're constantly bickering with players and playing the victim every time staff tell you to stop. And here you are, exploiting and lying and alting all in the same 24 hours.
Tell me, if you were in my position, why would I ever want you playing on my server again?
Your appeal is denied and for lying and alting after being banned your ban is increased to perm. You may appeal again in a few weeks, but not any sooner.
Have a nice day,