Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "explodingreaf" on: (Tue, 09 Oct 2018 00:20:22 GMT), F0000255
Glörtho is a evil dwarven faction that lives near the mountains on the cape of Forochel. If you like being evil and also like being a dwarf this faction is for you!
During the Angmar war at the fall of the last great fortress of the witch king ,Carn Dûm a small group of wicked dwarves and Angmar orcs as well as a small number of wargs and a even smaller number of hill trolls
fled to the north. for their leader Norgoin son of Druli could see Angmar's impending downfall. For almost two years this company made its way north and sailed the great straits of Forochel. During this time many died and their numbers waned as the journey had taken many lives. The fierce men of Lossoth drove them farther and farther north until they stopped their hunt for the lands this far north are barren and devoid of all life
here the they built the first settlement called Gola-Dur and named this new kingdom Görtho and Norgoin son of Druli the first king. As time passed Glörtho slowly expanded and created a thriving northern empire.
Gola-Dur is Capitol city of Glörtho it is by far the most fleshed out of my builds it includes a war room, reading room ,kitchen ,brewery ,forge ,farm ,feast hall ,graveyard, troll cave, mines, bunker, ent draught cave and much more.
Lore Gola-Valbor was found found by Faen son of Tori leading a expedition to the north and quickly taken by Glörtho. Gola-Valbor originally was called ukhadow foravreukuk By the orcs that lived there till the 2'nd age in the keep of the fortress was found a map of Beleriand and many other things suggesting that this fortress was raised from the earth by Morgoth.
(This is build is very WIP) not much is know yet spare it will be a large mine city
Joining req
*Need +100 with Blue Dwarfs ,Mordor ,Angmar , and Isengard
Faction gear/Armor/Troops
Gear is uruk and blue dwarven
Armor is Blue Dwarven helmet and chestplate and Uruk leggings and boots
Troops are Mordor/Angmar and Blue Dwarf
Gundabad/Angband, Near Harad