Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Mido." on: (Tue, 15 Dec 2020 17:20:58 GMT), F0000051
Hey there! It's me, Mido!
I will be looking to start creating some TOR news! I am unsure about the way I will be displaying it, but sending screenshots, gifs, videos, WHATEVER, in the Ivillis discord's suggestion channel will be checked and might make it into TOR NEWS!
On other ****news**** for the few people that have not noticed! Ivillis, the Blue Mountains and Erebor have started a fun pvp event that will make it's return hopefully soon! It's called the Clicky Kerfuffle and more information will follow!
I hope this can be a fun and banger project, it will also have clicky kerfuffle information, kingship stuff and a good amount of Ivillis propaganda. Our invite link !