The time has come! As one of the newer members of staff, it's my pleasure to present my first event! Inspired by Angmar's first PvE tile event (thanks for the big ice lake, Mido), I ended up recreating a time-honored TOR traditional event. Originally called Cardeh-Ball and later Shad-Ball, the idea is to push an object (Cardeh, Shadmir, and now Morgomir) around an arena with knockback sticks.
To participate, simply be online this Saturday the 17th (2:00pm EST, 8:00pm CET) with an empty inventory and prepare to be teleported to the arena. We will be providing the gear necessary to participate in the event.
Morgball will be played on teams of two. If you'd like to pick your partner, please do so and send me (TheWitchKing [Morgomir]) a discord pm with both IGNs (and a team name if you'd like). We'll construct a tournament bracket and battle it out until one team reigns supreme! Both members of the team will receive BIG REWARDS!
Excited to see you all there!
