Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Phoenix" on: (Sat, 31 Dec 2016 22:14:21 GMT), F0000533
Okie dokie everybody! I'm pleased to announce the winners of The One Ring's 2016 Christmas Building Contest!
1st Place Goes To:
JorCoffeeBeans!! Congratulations!
Your build was very elegant and detailed, especially for an extremely tight space! On top of that, you managed to convey the feeling of a warm Christmas House! Good job!
2nd Place Goes To:
Cardeh!! Congratulations!
Your truly captured the Christmas Spirit! Full of fun Christmas Decorations and hidden Easter Eggs, your build quickly took the second spot! Fantastic work!
3rd Place Goes To:
AlphaMunky!! Congratulations!
Your build was quite charming! I could picture rows of your houses lined up waiting for Santa to drop their gifts! Great work!
Congratulations winners! Please message me in-game asap so I can give you your prizes! The first place prize was the Elfstone, a fantastic Lore Item!
Thanks so much for participating, everyone! Some honorable mentions will be coming out shortly!
Phoenix and the Staff Team <3
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "ArcticBear29" on: (Sun, 01 Jan 2017 17:58:41 GMT)
well done guys!