Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "AnanasBrus" on: (Sun, 22 Jan 2017 22:09:22 GMT), F0000885
Hi! For two weeks ago a mod trolled me and now i cant get fly..... I used it maybye one time for killing but not two and in the rules it stands : fly permission get loosed if using fly for other things than buildng two ore more times, i hope u read this and accept it, i am building Scatha's kingdom ( i call it Lee Phoria ) so i need fly for building! I love the staff and the server, so i dont wanna finish here...... Ign: AnanasBrus
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "b4gelbites" on: (Sun, 22 Jan 2017 22:27:43 GMT)
a mod trolled me
A mod did not troll you, you were misusing fly and it was taken away from you. You were warned multiple times about this.
but not two and in the rules it stands : fly permission get loosed if using fly for other things than buildng two ore more times
I don't know what rules you're looking at, but in our rules there is no passage that says you need to be warned twice before getting fly privileges taken away.
Here is a link to the rules because you seem to be looking at something else.
i need fly for building!
No you do not. Most servers do not offer fly for building, and you absolutely do not need it for building. Flight is a privilege, not a right.
I believe this is the 4th time I've denied this request from you. Please do not ask again.