Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Lanzulov" on: (Fri, 19 Apr 2019 10:02:20 GMT), F0000810
IGN: Lanzulov
Nick: /
Faction: Woodland Realm
Reason for ban: Breaking the rules for mining more mithirl, using x-ray to obtain more mithril.
Time banned for: /
Date banned: Not sure about this, should be 12.3.2019
Reason for appeal: So I am making this beacuse I want to play with my friends again on the server, the reason I didnt make this just after I was banned is that I was sort of confused with this forum and logining in, i had a lot of problems finding how to create a thread. Anyway, I realized x-ray is stupid mistake to do and that i want to play on the server again, I apologize for breaking the rules and I hope you will have understanding for me and my problem.
Thanks for listening , Lanzulov.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Sir_Crab" on: (Fri, 19 Apr 2019 13:22:20 GMT)
Ban reduced to 2 weeks. Don't let it happen again.