Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Lord_Asassin" on: (Fri, 27 Jan 2017 21:43:21 GMT), F0000882
IGN: Lord_Asassin
Nick: Loruu_Sensei
Faction: Rangers
Reason for ban: X-Ray
Date banned: 2017/01/28
Reason for appeal: I'm appealing to be unbanned on The One Ring Minecraft server because I would like to continue playing on this great server, and enjoy it with the community and the friends that I joined with. I understand that I was suspected of x-ray and I was banned under your judgment of the evidence that lay before you, but I, honestly swear on my own life I've never used x-ray let alone know how to install it on Minecraft.
I would also like to mention that in the time frame from when Sir_Crab killed me and took my gear (understandable at the time) and suspected me of x-ray until b4gelbites joined the server and you conferred with him and then made the decision to ban me from the server, I'd managed to obtain enough mithril from strip mining, in the mine that I was in to be able to create a Mithril Crossbow, Sword, Spear, Halberd, Helmet, Chestplate and Boots and also only 2 ingots short of a set of legs. (this was all obtained within roughly 7 hours of strip mining on Menaltarma)
I will never admit to using x-ray because I've never used it and never will due to it breaking the game, and ruining the experience. I fully understand if you do not wish to unban me from the server and I respect your decision/final say in the matter.
Thank you for taking the time to read this appeal, hope you have a nice day!
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "b4gelbites" on: (Fri, 27 Jan 2017 22:29:59 GMT)
We looked at the evidence in front of us and found that you did indeed use xray. It was fairly obvious.
Since you deny using it we have no reason to believe you'll continue to play on the server without xray, so your appeal is denied.