Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "PrincessPeach_NL" on: (Fri, 14 May 2021 13:08:22 GMT), F0000742
IGN: PrincessPeach_NL
Nick: -
Faction: Mordor
Reason for ban: We are a group of builders and its really annoying if you dont have acces to high quality tools. I dont want to waste time gathering resources when i could be building. That is why i got xray and used it to get better gear. I knew the risks, but i am very sorry for crossing the rules.
Date banned: 2021/5/14
Reason for appeal: I would love to keep playing on the server to finish my build and my crew will probably stop playing without me too. I give you my word that from now on i will not do any illegal activeties and in the files attatched you can see my old and new mod folder.
Sincerely, Luc a.k.a. PrincessPeach_NL
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Asher" on: (Tue, 18 May 2021 03:55:37 GMT)
Thanks for the honesty. Ban has been shortened to two weeks.