Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "DerpykingNL" on: (Thu, 12 May 2022 15:53:41 GMT), F0000604
Ign: DerpykingNL
Nick: TarGoroth
Current Faction: Mordor
Timezone: CET
When you started playing: (You don't need to be a server veteran to be a staff member, I wasn't.)
Time played on the server: So right now on this account i have 2,11d of play time, but i used to play o PrincessPeachNL about 1.5 years ago and we did a month long grind building our mordor base, so i probably have a lot of hours on thier too. Cant check it tho, the account isnt migrated yet. Also ive played lotr mod for about 8 years so plenty of experience.
Age: I am 20 years, 4 months and 20 days old.
Have you ever been banned or warned for breaking a rule? If so, elaborate: Yes, i broke some rules in the days like an anti afk machine to keep fly and an XP farm in the overworld (didnt know it was illegal) and i have been warned for that and got rid of it. Also, i got banned for using Xray once.
Do you have previous staff experience? If so, elaborate: I do not have any staff experience, but im used to helping new people out getting started if that counts.
If you have had staff experience, what plugins do you have experience working with?: Zerooo
Why do you want to be a staff member?: Im gonna be totaly hounest here, mostly to give me and my crew fly when building. Ive noticed there has been very little staff on for the last couple of days/weeks and its been very enoying building without fly. Not only for me, but also for the other lads playing. For now and probably for the next couple of weeks or months i will continue to be quite active all over the day and i will be able to help the playing guys out with thier fly and the new players getting started in thier own adventure on The One Ring.
I do not think i will be around for as long as some of the other staff members, but for now i could really help the community out. I hope you can take a look at this appeal quick so i can start helping people out.
Greeting, Luc AKA DerpykingNL
i know fox and lotte irl so if i fck up they will slap me in the face