Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "socthemat" on: (Sat, 04 Jun 2022 04:24:12 GMT), F0000601
Ign: socthemat
Nick: socthemat
Current Faction: Gondor
Timezone: MST
Time when I started playing: 4 months ago
Time played: 2.17 days
Age: 14
Have I ever been warned/banned for breaking a rule?: No
Do I have previous staff experience: Yes, I have been staff on numerous Minecraft servers, although no LOTR ones. If there is one thing I have learned from those experiences, it is how to work with people and deal with the everyday situations/problems that can and will occur on a Minecraft server.
What plugins have I worked with?: None, on those other servers we had technical guys who used plugins, I was the main head of staff who oversaw everything.
Why do I want to be a staff member?: Ever since I joined this amazing server, I realized one thing. This server was the best Minecraft server I ever joined, and has allowed me to have so much fun with this game. When I joined, everybody I met was so nice and willing to lend me a helping hand. So that's what this is about. Giving back to those that helped me and the new players that are now coming. I believe it's my turn to help out those new players and give that wonderful experience that I was given when first joining TOR. I love helping others, and I would be willing to do anything to make another one's server experience better. Because at the end of the day, that's what it is all about. Not winning an event or grinding out something, it's about having fun. And that is what staff members strive to create for others, and I want to be a part of that. If you guys don't accept this staff application for whatever reason, I understand and will continue to be a part of this server because of simply the extreme fun I am having with it.