Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "cjsdragon" on: (Wed, 15 Feb 2017 05:58:47 GMT), F0000568
The troop limit needs to be edited or totally removed. Not only does the troop limit make it almost impossible for good troops to win it also is unrealistic. In the LOTR movies it took 10-20 men to take down 1 ologhai (which is about accurate to the mods combat system too). The current limit allows 15 ologhai and 30 soldiers. Even if you used 30 elves it would still end up with like 11 ologhia still alive and 0 elves left. To balance the system ologhai need to be made at least worth 7 troops and trolls worth at least 3. Hurons should remain at 2 and this would help balance things significantly. If the troop limit was removed the price system itself would balance a out the playing field because ologhai are much more expensive then any other soldier. I have had experience fighting ologhai and its not fun, an army of 30 swan knights gets defeated by a meager 10 ologhai, but if I could have lets say 60 swan knights then I would stand a chanceor if they enemy could only have 4 ologhai and 8 urukhai like my new system would suggest. Either way the limit screws up the balance that is already offset by the mod alone and making huorons take up as many spaces as ologhai is just ridiculous huorons don't stand a chance 1v1 vs ologhia. The troop limit needs to be removed or changed if pvp is going to be fair on this server. If the limit was removed there would have to be a grace period for new players so they have time to build up an army before others start attacking them.
~thanks for considering these changes
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "cjsdragon" on: (Wed, 15 Feb 2017 23:40:00 GMT)
this also makes invisibility useless because enemy players can still se your rangers and force them into melee by putting their units on them
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "cjsdragon" on: (Wed, 15 Feb 2017 23:39:04 GMT)
well there wasn't a player controlling those chieftains a player can put the ologhia right on top of ur rangers with a horn of summoning
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Calamity_Ashe" on: (Wed, 15 Feb 2017 22:58:36 GMT)
i once used ~30 ithilien rangers to kill 7 hill troll chieftains and i lost like no guys and i was doing it near the vale of fell beasts in mordor so i don't really see what the problem is
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "abriel" on: (Wed, 15 Feb 2017 22:16:13 GMT)
Rangers can go invisible i Think they can take down a Little more than just 5.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "cjsdragon" on: (Wed, 15 Feb 2017 22:12:11 GMT)
if you have more ranged troops and keep at a distance u can probably defeat olog-hai quite quickly. having rangers is always helpful if you give them good melee weaponry.
I do admit however, that olog-hais are too op, and that more 'good' troops are needed to take them down.
In a battle between 15 ologhai vs 30 rangers/elves the rangers/elves will be utterly defeated they might kill 5 ologhai if they are lucky
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "cjsdragon" on: (Wed, 15 Feb 2017 22:09:24 GMT)
Mevans said on wiki that he has no plans to make ENTs hireable and no offense but this is not the mod to be playing if u have a craptop, why should everyone with good laptops suffer because a few ppl have craptops.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "GamingRebooted" on: (Wed, 15 Feb 2017 12:12:57 GMT)
I understand why the troop limit exists: It is to reduce lag for the server and people like me with craptops. In concept this idea is ok but the way you make it out each troop would have to have it's own value. At first glance this idea seems ridiculous but with some work I think it has potential.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "ArcticBear29" on: (Wed, 15 Feb 2017 11:31:28 GMT)
if you have more ranged troops and keep at a distance u can probably defeat olog-hai quite quickly. having rangers is always helpful if you give them good melee weaponry.
I do admit however, that olog-hais are too op, and that more 'good' troops are needed to take them down.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Rûg Bloodstorm" on: (Wed, 15 Feb 2017 08:10:54 GMT)
7?! thats a bit much, maybe like 5 units per would do