Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "nicedragonboy" on: (Sun, 08 Jan 2017 01:41:30 GMT), F0000890
Nick: ~King_of_Dragons
Faction: Gondor
Reason for ban: I was offered a deal for some stuff and the admin said I was using Xray I didn't deny him but before I requested to fix it and remove Xray from my PC and give him the loot I attained with Xray he banned me.
Date banned: 2017/7/1
Reason for appeal: I feel it was a fair trade and the only reason I used Xray was because I wanted better gear for me and my buddies.On that note I have reason to believe other players are using the mod because Mythril is incredibly hard to attain and it took me a full 6+hours to get enough for armor and weapons for 3 people.I'm not saying what I did was right and I wont do it again, though I do think it is unfair for the admin to randomly select me for using the mod and no one else. Thank you for your time
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "Phoenix" on: (Sun, 08 Jan 2017 02:05:21 GMT)
Okay, I just want to say a few things.
1) "but before I requested to fix it and remove Xray from my PC and give him the loot I attained with Xray he banned me."
That's a bunch of lies. You never did any of that.
2) "I'm not saying what I did was right and I wont do it again, though I do think it is unfair for the admin to randomly select me for using the mod and no one else." Haha!!!! We ban lots of people for X-Ray.... All the flipping time. Trying to say "oh, because other people aren't banned for it, I shouldn't be either." is completely idiotic.
And lastly... Mithril is supposed to be hard to get. Supplying 3 people with complete mithril should takes days, not a few hours.
Your ban will stay at 6 weeks. But you're receiving a very very lucky chance. Tbh, you're even lucky that b4gel read this before I did. Try to lie and cheat like that again, and we won't be so generous next time.
Posted on the original Enjin Forums by: "b4gelbites" on: (Sun, 08 Jan 2017 01:49:30 GMT)
Permban reduced to a 6 weeks.